Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Call for Comments to the Draft document “Uniform Programmes and Programme Activities of LSUs”

Published 08.06.2016.

skgo_logoThe standing conference of towns and municipalities is calling on all interested representatives of local self-governments to submit comments to the draft document “Uniform Programmes and Programme Activities of Local Self-Government Units”. This is the revised Annex 5 of the Instructions for Drafting Programme Budgets, containing draft amendments to be applied as of the drafting of the budget of local authorities for 2017.

The above document was produced as a result of analyses implemented by SCTM during the past year, as well as direct work and harmonization through seven sectoral workshops held in April this year, with the participation of LSU representatives, both from the budget departments, as well as persons tasked with certain sectors in the LSUs, along with secretaries of SCTM boards and external experts in certain fields. The activities to date have been implemented with the support of the EU Exchange 4 programme and the SDC project Institutional Support to SCTM – second phase. Following adoption, the new draft will result in a better fit with the budget sectors and programmes at the central level, followed by a significantly clearer link between the programme classification and the functional classification of the budget, also facilitating the identification of what programme and programme activities do certain allocated budget funds belong to.

More information at www.skgo.org




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