Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Legislative Framework of the EU

The founding documents of the European Union (EU) establish a broad range of tasks in the field of social policy: achieving a high level of employment and social welfare, equality of women and men, raising the living standard and quality of life, and achieving economic and social cohesion and solidarity among member states.

Competences in the field of social welfare have been divided between the EU and member states. The EU, based on Article 153 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), supports and complements the activities of member states in the field of social policy. The EU acquis in the field of social affairs covers minimum standards in the field of labour law, healthcare, occupational safety, equal treatment of men and women regarding employment and social security, employment policies and social dialogue. Furthermore, there are separate mandatory rules for all EU member states regarding the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of: racial and ethnic affiliation, religion and faith, disability, age and sexual orientation (Article 19 of the TFEU).

The protection of human rights has been formally introduced as an EU obligation through the preamble of the Single European Act from 1986 and the Treaty on the EU from 1993. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights from 2000 proclaims the inviolable nature of human dignity and unifies general human and civil rights, as well as economic and social rights.

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Status of Vulnerable Groups in the Process of Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union – Status of LGBTI Persons
November, 2021 arrow right pdf [271 KB]
Status of Vulnerable Groups in the Process of Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union – Status of Women and Gender Equality
November, 2021 arrow right pdf [748 KB]
Gender Equality Index for the Republic of Serbia 2021
October, 2021 arrow right pdf [9 MB]
Status of Vulnerable Groups in the Process of Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union – Status of Persons with Disabilities
October, 2021 arrow right pdf [245 KB]
Status of Vulnerable Groups in the Process of Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union – Status of Roma
September, 2021 arrow right pdf [209 KB]
Employment Strategy of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2026
August, 2021 arrow right pdf [6 MB]
Action Plan 2021-2023 for the Implementation of the Employment Strategy of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2026
August, 2021 arrow right pdf [10 MB]
ITU Study on the Assessment of Digital Accessibility Policies in Serbia
June, 2021 arrow right pdf [3 MB]
Effects of the targeted one-off financial assistance on trends related to the poverty and inequality indicators
May, 2021 arrow right pdf [232 KB] arrow right doc [159 KB]
E2E: Social Innovations – People-Centred Public Policies
April, 2021 arrow right pdf [2 MB]