Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Call for Good Practice Examples in Inclusive Education Completed

Published 13.03.2015.

MIO_UNICEFAiming to improve inclusive practices in Serbia, the Network of Support for Inclusive Education, UNICEF and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia invited all interested educators, teachers, principals and professional associates to provide examples from practice that show how educational institutions have provided support to children from sensitive groups and stimulated their inclusion in regular education and community life.

Examples of good practice involve initiatives, ideas or activities introducing something new and stimulating the process of successful inclusion for children/students from vulnerable groups into regular education. Examples of good practice in inclusive education may be from diverse areas of school life, starting from the method of school operation, organization and management, through the process of teaching and learning, peer support, school curricula and textbooks, evaluation and self-evaluation, up to the entire school climate, interpersonal relationships and relations with the local community. Good practices open new possibilities in overcoming existing obstacles, stimulate the re-examination of attitudes and practices, offer potential for change in approaches to child education, and thus become examples for others to use.

The deadline for applications expired on 10 March 2015.

The project “Improvement of Education in Serbia through the Development of the Network of Support to Inclusive Education” is being implemented in partnership with UNICEF, MESTD RS and with the financial assistance of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Serbia (SDC).

Source: www.mrezainkluzija.org




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