Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Code of Equality Presented to NIS Employees

Published 29.06.2017.

Poverenica-predavanje-u-NISAt the invitation of the NIS company, Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Janković presented the Code of Equality to the company’s employees in Novi Sad, which provides guidelines for creating the non-discrimination policy of employers in Serbia.

The Commissioner stressed that business and human rights were not conflicting concepts and that the success of a company was measured with much more than just profit. She also said that the consequences of discrimination in the field of labour were numerous: they lead to the decline in employee productivity and efficiency, stress, demotivation and undermined interpersonal relationships, while the company’s reputation suffers.

Deputy General Manager of NIS Andrei Shibanov said that the company respected human rights, especially in the field of labour relations, and that it insisted on applying high standards for an equitable and safe work environment for all of its employees, which included the prohibition of discrimination of any kind. Shibanov announced that the company would start drafting the corporate code of equality, in cooperation with the employees of the Office of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality.

Source: ravnopravnost.gov.rs




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