Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Competition to Support Agricultural Development “Plantation for Future” (Deadline: 18/12/2015)

Published 20.11.2015.

Zasad za budućnost - logoDelta Holding and Delta Fondacija, in cooperation with the Trag Foundation, are issuing a new competition to support the development of agriculture in Serbia through the program “Plantation for Future”. A total of RSD 18 million will be awarded through grants to social enterprises, by way of a public competition open from 23 November until 18 December 2015.

Eligible candidates are citizen’s associations and cooperatives, operating based on the social enterprise principle, solving social problems through the development of agricultural production: poverty reduction, employment of persons with disabilities, resolving problems of single parents and other marginalized social groups.

The value of individual grants is RSD 240,000 to 1,800,000. Project proposals should be aimed at the development of agriculture through pig farming, fruit or vegetable growing in primary and secondary production.

Source: www.deltafondacija.rs




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