Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Computers and Mentor Support for the Most Innovative Educational Initiatives

Published 21.12.2018.

Dobitnici podrške u okviru programa "Odgovorno u zajednici"As part of the first phase of the programme “Responsible in the Community” implemented under the title EDUSkop, 24 finalists have presented the expert jury with project competing for a donation of 150 computers and mentor support, provided by Vojvođanska Bank.

A total of 65 projects from 23 towns across Serbia applied for this support, with 60 meeting the conditions and thus entering the public voting phase. To respect the opinion of the broader social community on which projects have the highest potential to change education for the better, the audience could use the www.odgovorno.rs  platform to vote for the project finalists.

The autumn cycle of the programme “Responsible in the Community” lasted since October, gathering educational initiatives (educational hubs, movements, associations and groups of citizens) strategically working on improving education.

The winning projects are:

  • Digital marketing aimed at student entrepreneurship – Youth Education Centre
  • Modern Corner – Our World, Our Rules
  • Dok Tok – NEOSTART
  • Digital Teacher –SEE ICT Association
  • Youth Innovation Centre – Unbox innovative education hub
  • Your Chance for Your First Career Step – Centar Inventiva
  • Behind the Theatre Curtain –PATOS Theatre
  • Future Studies – Belgrade Open School
  • Case Study Club – Student Association Nova.

Source: odgovornoposlovanje.rs




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