As part of the “Fostering a democratic school culture” project, a conference was held on 17 November in the Metropol Hotel in Belgrade. The conference was organised by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development in cooperation with the Council of Europe and the European Union.
The project includes 20 primary and secondary schools which educate children and students with disabilities from all over Serbia, and which accepted the obligation to change their curriculum and teaching practices, improve the application of anti-discriminatory principles based on the national standards, as well as Council of Europe Models.
The “Fostering a democratic school culture” project is being implemented within the wider European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkan and Turkey”; one of the main objectives is introducing schools and other project partners to the Model of Competences for Democratic Culture developed by the Council of Europe.
The participants had the opportunity to discuss the development of democracy and human rights in schools, and share best practices in inclusive education, and learn the models for involving children in teaching and extracurricular activities.
The conference also addressed the ways to introduce specific anti-discrimination measures and develop capacities to remove prejudices and discriminatory approaches towards vulnerable groups.
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