The M-4 form will soon be forgotten: due to the cooperation of the Directorate for eGovernment and PIO Fund, the data for determining insurance history, earnings and amount of paid contributions will be exchanged among the institutions, without the need for citizens to visit counters and obtain it themselves.
The news regarding the M-4 form will be the first step towards the full digitalization of the services of PIO Fund. Instead of queues before counters, the citizens will, due to the announced cooperation, be able to use all the services provided by the Fund online – through the national eGovernment portal.
The national eGovernment portal is accessible at Founded in 2010, today it has over 300,000 active users with 550 different services at their disposal. eGovernment is the simplest way to reduce queues, avoid corruption, and increase transparency and efficiency. Despite a lack of laws regulating the field of eGovernment, as well as lack of financial funds, the number of towns and municipalities, as well as citizens and legal persons who use the Portal is steadily increasing.
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