Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Event Registration for the European SME Week

Published 01.06.2017.

european_sme_week_logoThe European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROWTH), in cooperation with two national coordinators – the Ministry of Justice and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, is inviting organisations, institutions and other event organisers to register and promote their activities and events of broader significance for the SME sector development, within the European SME Week campaign.

Register events, conferences, seminars, fairs, forums at the website ec.europa.eu.

The SME Week 2017 web page for registration of events will be operational within the European Commission’s website until 30 November 2017. All topics promoting small and medium-sized enterprises are eligible, including: entrepreneurship education, internationalisation of SMEs, second chance, decrease of administrative barriers, female entrepreneurship, innovations, start-ups, projects for SMEs, financing and advocating the interests of the SME sector etc.

Read more at www.privreda.gov.rs.




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