Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Festival of Philanthropy Held in Belgrade and Novi Sad

Published 01.11.2018.

Svečano otvaranje Festivala filantropijeThe Festival of Philanthropy was held on multiple locations in Belgrade and Novi Sad between 24 and 28 October, dedicated to promoting solidarity, developing a culture of giving and the spreading of philanthropic values in our society.

The festival was opened by the Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, representatives of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and members of the Coalition for Beneficence. A cheque to the amount of USD 20,000 was awarded on this occasion to the Petnica Research Station, representing funds collected as part of a humanitarian action organized on the occasion of the National Day of Giving. Companies that supported the collection of funds were issued awards.

In addition to numerous philanthropic actions in Belgrade and Novi Sad, one of the key events as part of the Festival of Philanthropy in Belgrade was the presentation of the survey on donations from members of the diaspora for philanthropic purposes in Serbia. On the same day in Novi Sad, a roundtable was organized on the contributions of the private sector to the local community.

Free tourist tours were organized in Belgrade and Novi Sad on the last day of the Festival, reminding citizens of the rich philanthropic history and examples of foundations in our country.

The five-day Festival of Philanthropy was held as part of the Project for Improving the Framework for Giving, financed by USAID and implemented by the Coalition for Beneficence, led by the “Ana i Vlade Divac” Foundation. The Coalition also consists of the Trag Foundation, Catalyst Balkans, SMART Kolektiv, Serbian Philanthropic Forum, Forum for Corporate Responsibility and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.

Source: www.divac.com




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