The conference “How to Improve Management of International Development Assistance?” was held on Friday, 11 March 2016 at the Small Hall of the House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.
The conference was dedicated to the issue of improving the system of managing international development assistance, primarily European Union funds from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). The conference gathered relevant representatives of state institutions, the donor and international community, and civil society. It was an opportunity for all participants in the process of programming international development assistance to discuss the options for improving the process and increasing the quality of information exchange in this process.
Programming international development assistance represents a complex process of identifying needs and/or priority goals within individual sectors, defining activities, procedures, as well as deadlines in the process of preparing and selecting project proposals that would contribute to achieving the set goals. Having in mind that 2016 is a key year for programming measures in the sector of Development of Human Resources and Social Development (education, employment, social inclusion and healthcare), the SECO for human resource and social development* is endeavouring to provide full support to state institutions and to get actively involved in this process.
The conference was organized by the SECO for human resources and social development, in partnership with the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
*The SECO for the human resources and social development sector encompasses a large sectoral area monitoring a large number of reforms: the fields of education, employment, social inclusion, healthcare and the target group of youth. This SECO group is coordinated by the Belgrade Open School – BOS, European Movement in Serbia, Smart Kolektiv, the Centre for Democracy Foundation and the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence.
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