This story is part of the efforts of TACSO Serbia and TACSO Civic Initiatives to promote good practices of civil society organizations in Serbia and motivate other organizations which are investing their energy and efforts in creating a better society for all citizens of Serbia.
Zaječar is a city located near the border with Bulgaria. Apart from being ethnically diverse because of its location, this city is also on a migrant route to a better life.
The misfortune brought by war is all too familiar to us living in the Balkan region which is why the work done by young people who decided that they will not just sit by and watch while human traffickers and smugglers benefit from someone’s misery is of the utmost importance.
iHo means I’m Human Organization and it refers to the fact that first and foremost we are all human and we have to lean on each other for support.
Before it received its official name and registration number, iHo started by bringing together people of goodwill and shared values and providing assistance and protection to refugees.
This video shows one segment of our work in Zaječar covered by the #ThankyouSerbia (#HvalaSrbijo) project; this project is based on any possible form of assistance and support provided to vulnerable families. The aim of the project is to create a network of families who need assistance/work and people who are willing to assist either by donating food/clothes/school supplies or by directly being in contact with them and giving them packages in person.
iHo so far has helped more than 10 thousand migrants by providing them with a temporary shelter with electricity and Internet in the city centre of Zaječar, Dimitrovgrad and at the border crossing with Hungary – Kelebija. iHo is also assisting them if they need to contact authorities such as the police, judiciary, or if they need translation services in order to overcome various obstacles (cultural, language, or legal).
Ever since the borders were closed, iHo has been organizing training courses for volunteers who want to work with vulnerable categories. “The Project is aimed at educating volunteers working with refugees in partner countries (Afghanistan, Syria, and Pakistan). Every three months for four days representatives of different organizations will be able to witness the work done by the host organisation directly”, said Tarek Muhrat the founder of the “I am Human – iHo”.
The answer we received from people in iHo when we asked why it was important to help was “Because first and foremost we are human”.
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