The European Executive Agency issued a call for proposals for the Creative Europe Culture Sub-programme scheme “Support for European cooperation projects”. The programme priorities are:
- Promoting the transnational mobility of artists and professionals with a view to enabling them to cooperate internationally and to internationalise their careers and activities, and promoting the transnational circulation of cultural and creative works, the aim of which is to promote cultural exchanges, intercultural dialogue, understanding for cultural diversity and social inclusion;
- Strengthening audience development as a means of stimulating interest in and improving access to European cultural and creative works and tangible and intangible cultural heritage;
- Fostering creativity, innovative approaches to creation, and new ways of ensuring spillover effects to other sectors. Developing and testing new and innovative models of revenue, management and marketing for the cultural sectors, in particular as regards the digital shift. A particular focus shall be given on supporting activities enabling cultural professionals to gain new skills, on those having an educational dimension and on those seeking to foster intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding among people from different cultures or backgrounds as well as to build on culture with a view to helping counter all forms of discrimination.
The deadline for submission of European cooperation projects is 7 October 2015, 12:00 CET/CEST (Midday, Brussels time)
The detailed conditions for application can be found in the specific guidelines on the following websites:
- Directorate-General for Education and Culture –
- Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency –
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