According to the preliminary agreement of European Parliament and Council negotiators, public service websites and mobile applications will have to be accessible to all. Namely, over 167 million citizens of the European Union are persons with disabilities, either due to medical issues or advanced age, preventing them from accessing online data and services, e.g. filing tax returns, applying for an allowance, paying fees or enrolling children in schools.
Mobile applications, and/or software developed by or for public sector bodies for use on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tables, are also included in the directive due to the efforts of representatives during discussions with the Council and Commission, the EP notice states.
The preliminary agreement on the directive is to be confirmed by the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) and the European Parliament. Once approved and published in the Official Journal of the EU, the member states will have 21 months to transpose the directive into national legislation. The new regulations will apply for new websites one year after introduction into national laws, for all websites after two years, and for mobile device applications after 33 months.
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