The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the UNICEF Office in Serbia have supported the project “Info-Line for Parents – Support to Inclusive Education”, which is implemented by the “Initiative for Inclusion VelikiMali” organization. The monitoring and evaluation results of the inclusive education indicate that parents do not have sufficient information and have a number of dilemmas and uncertainties regarding the interpretation of laws and regulations in the process of exercising the rights to their children’s education.
The introduction of this info-line should contribute to increased and more substantial parental involvement in the educational process as well as the development of inclusive education. The info-line will be operational on weekdays from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Experts from the organization “Initiative for Inclusion VelikiMali” will receive the telephone calls placed by parents and will provide information on:
- laws and by-laws that support inclusive education and social inclusion;
- measures and activities that ought to provide quality education and upbringing for children/students;
- means for additional support for children/students and families and the ways of realising them;
- the useful literature on inclusive education and examples of good practice.
The organization “Initiative for Inclusion VelikiMali” will keep a record of telephone conversations and collect information from the parents. The analysis of the collected information will provide useful data necessary for further support and development of the strategies for timely and quality education of all stakeholders involved in education.
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