Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Internships for Strong Youth: A month-long program for young people without parental care

Published 27.07.2017.

centar-jaki-mladiThe National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED) and the SOS Children’s Villages Foundation Serbia are inviting young people who grew up without parental care to apply for the Internships for Strong Youth program.

The program is intended for all young people (up to 30 years old) who had or have the status of children without parental care, who live in the territory of Belgrade, and who want to acquire their first work experiences, improve their knowledge and skills, and better understand how employers hire employees and what is expected of them at the workplace, through a one-month internship program.

All interested young people are invited to send their resumes as soon as possible to jaki.mladi@sos-decijasela.rs or take it in paper form to the Jaki mladi center (Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 251, Belgrade). After applying, young people will be interviewed, and then the selected candidates will get the opportunity to spend a month at a company that matches their educational profile. The internship is planned to start in September.

Source: www.sos-decijasela.rs




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