Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Last Collective Centre in Belgrade Closed with EU Assistance

Published 06.07.2016.

kamendinThe Krnjača Collective Centre, opened in 1993, was closed on 1 July, while the last 45 vulnerable families of former refugees and displaced persons moved into their new apartments in Kamendin, in the municipality of Zemun. The construction of the apartments was financed by EU funds.

Twenty four refugee families and twelve families of internally displaced persons from the Krnjača Collective Centre, as well as nine socially vulnerable families from the territory of the City of Belgrade made use of the permanent housing solution as part of the European Union project “For a Better Life”.

The concept of social housing under protected conditions was introduced into the Strategy of Development and Social Protection of the Republic of Serbia and assessed as the best and most adequate solution for the residents of the remaining collective centres. It provides apartments for the most vulnerable families, requiring additional support from social work centres. More than 1000 apartments of this type have been built across Serbia to date, with 650 from European Union funds.

The project “Support for Improving the Living Conditions of Forced Migrants and Closing Collective Centres” is financed by the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, implemented by UNHCR with the support of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migrations of the Republic of Serbia and the City of Belgrade. This project is part of the broader European Union programme for improving the living conditions of forced migrants – “For a Better Life”, with a total value of EUR 14.2 million.

Source: europa.rs




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