Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Meeting Held of Interministerial Working Group for Establishing and Implementing the NQFS

Published 20.09.2017.

Prvi sastanak Međuministarske radne grupe za NOKSThe first meeting of the Interministerial Working Group for Establishing and Implementing the National Qualifications Framework in Serbia (NFQS) was held at the Palace of Serbia on 13 September.

The meeting was attended by the Assistant Minister for Development and Higher Education Professor Dr Vesna Mandić, Steffen Hudolin, Head of Section – Operations II of the EU Delegation to Serbia, as well as 46 members from 21 institutions recognized as significant social partners.

Having in mind that the establishment and implementation of the NQF system in Serbia is of national significance and the need for defining a national qualifications framework was recognized having in mind the overall reform processes in education and the achievement of goals defined not only in the development documents of the Republic of Serbia, but also in significant strategic European documents.

This moment is of key importance for the consolidation of efforts to establish a system for the National Qualifications Framework that should bring the world of education and the labour market closer, and introduce more efficient mechanisms for harmonizing the supply and demand of skills, said Hudolin.

A particular challenge will be to link the NQFS with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), providing for comparability of acquired qualifications, i.e. stimulating workforce mobility within the European market.

Source: www.mpn.gov.rs




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