Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Forms Sector for Anti-Discrimination Policy and Improvement of Gender Equality

Published 22.08.2017.

The Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Serbia formed the Sector for Anti-Discrimination Policy and Improvement of Gender Equality, in order to improve the status of women, marginalized groups, and provide support to mitigate the migrant crisis.

The notice states that one of the first priorities of this sector will be working on the anti-discrimination law that should be presented by the Government of the Republic of Serbia to the Assembly for adoption in November.

Nina Mitić, Acting Assistant Minister for Anti-Discrimination Policy and Improvement of Gender Equality expressed her expectation that the activities of the Sector will significantly contribute to improving the status of women in our society, inter alia through the new Gender Equality Law, under the auspices of precisely this sector, i.e. the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, as per the Law on Government.

As part of this area, she added, the Ministry will form, as soon as possible, a working group for adopting a number of regulations, their adoption significantly contributing to the status of women in our society, whereby the working group will involve all relevant stakeholders, including the non-government sector.

The Ministry is cooperating with the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, the Coordination Body for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Political Council and the Multisectoral Body, non-government organizations and associations working on the protection and improvement of equality, she added.

We will work together on amendments to the Anti-Discrimination Law, in order to harmonize it with European legislation. This will improve the regulatory framework for the protection of citizens from discrimination and achieve intensive cooperation with civil society organizations, the professional public and media, notes Mitić.

During the adoption and implementation of regulations, the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs will, as before, successfully cooperate with all relevant stakeholders.

The Ministry is in the final phase of acquiring a project for introducing a national helpline, to be implemented with EU support, to improve national capacities for support to victims of violence. Our helpline model will be based on best practices in the EU.

Regarding anti-discrimination policy, the Ministry will help all marginalized groups and provide support to mitigating the migrant crisis, as well as continue the integration of Roma in the Republic of Serbia, all in accordance with the existing Strategy.

In order to improve employee competences, the Ministry is planning to start trainings in October for social workers, as well as inspectors for work regarding human trafficking, abuse of child labour, employment of marginalized social groups, states the notice by the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs.

Source: www.srbija.gov.rs




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