Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


More than Half the Population Support Serbia Joining the EU

Published 23.01.2019.

anketa - ilustracijaIf a referendum was to be held tomorrow with the question “Do you support Serbia joining the EU”, 55% of citizens of Serbia would vote in favour, 25% against, while 10% each would not vote or do not know what they would answer, show the results of the latest opinion poll European Orientation of the Citizens of Serbia, implemented every six months by the Ministry of European Integration of Serbia. Compared to the survey from July 2018, the percentage of those voting in favour of the EU remains the same, but the percentage of citizens voting against membership has increased by 4%.

According to the survey, Serbia’s membership in the EU would be a good thing in the opinion of 45% of citizens, and bad from the perspective of 23% of the population. In the July survey, the EU membership of Serbia was assessed as good by 48%, and as bad by 21% of citizens.

Among the total number of respondents, 75% believe reforms should be implemented regardless of the European integration process, for the benefit of citizens and the creation of a better and more regulated Serbia. This support for reforms is 7% higher than in July 2018.

Regarding the issue of Kosovo, 64% believe that the problems of Belgrade and Priština should be resolved independently of whether the EU asks for it. Nearly one in three respondents to the survey stated that the greatest reason for the deceleration in joining the EU is the “policy of conditions and coercion applied by the EU against Serbia”.

Responding to the question on development grants for Serbia since 2000, 25% of respondents recognize the EU as the largest donor during this period, citizens place Russia second at 23%, China third with 19%, and Japan fourth with 9%.

According to official data, between 2000 and the end of 2016, the European Union and its member states were the largest donors with EUR 4.31 billion of realized grants. The European Commission donated EUR 2.96 billion, Germany EUR 368.21 million, Sweden EUR 232.11 million, and Italy EUR 187.72 million, the statement says.

The key issues and those affecting their everyday life the most, according to the citizens, are combating corruption (21%), reform of the healthcare system (16%) and reform of the judiciary (15%). This is followed by improved human rights protection with 11%, reform of the educational system with 10%, and reforms in the field of agriculture and environmental protection with 9% each. On the other hand, there is no single opinion on the areas where Serbia has achieved the greatest progress, even though consumer protection (13%), better protection of human rights (11%), combating corruption (11%) and reform of the educational system (10%) occupy somewhat higher positions than other reforms.

The survey was conducted between 12 and 26 December 2018, using the Eurobarometer standard, with the participation of 1,050 respondents over 18 years of age.

Source: EURACTIV.rs




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