The conference entitled “For Equal Participation of Roma Women in the National Council of the Roma Ethnic Minority” was held in the Belgrade Media Centre on 02 October 2014. The objective was to draw attention to gender inequality in the representation bodies of the Republic of Serbia. The reason is the continued presence of exclusion of the elected female members from the decision-making processes, notwithstanding the Law on National Councils of Ethnic Minorities which sets down a quota for the less represented sex that was passed in order to respond to the then exclusion of women.
The conference was attended by some 50 persons among which five male and 2 female list leaders for Roma ethnic minority. The present list leaders signed the Platform, thus giving their support to observance of gender equality in the future legislative period of National Council of the Roma Ethnic Minority.
The Platform on gender equality developed by the Roma Women Network comprised of 27 Roma women organisations and initiatives Serbia-wide for the oncoming elections into national councils on 26 October, includes requests to observe female candidates and gender equality, transparency and law in the work of the National Council that the activists for Roma women rights make to the men and women – list leaders at the elections into this national council.
To download the Platform click here.
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