“The whole society should have zero tolerance for violence – every case should be reported, not only interpreted; people should report every suspicion of violence, while responsible bodies should be the ones to assess the situation and decide what the next steps should be”, said Ana Anačkov, coordinator at the Centre for family support “Putokaz” from Niš, at the “Protection of Children from Violence” panel held on 10 April at the Media and Reform Centre in Niš. She added that the objective of the Centre was to sensitise the general public and create a network of experts who would work on the prevention of violence against children.
On the occasion of celebrating its third anniversary, the Centre for family support “Putokaz” organised a panel called “Protection of Children from Violence”. The panel was intended for professionals from governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well as everyone else working to provide support to children who were or still are victims of violence. The main topics were the application of the Protocol for Protection of Children from Abuse and Neglect, how to recognise violence, and how institutions react to violence. The participants gave recommendations for the improvement of cooperation between organisations, with regard to the protection of children from violence.
The Centre for family support “Putokaz” from Niš is focused on preventive work with socially and economically vulnerable families, aiming to avoid separating children from their families. Furthermore, their goal is to improve the quality of life and to ensure that children’s rights are being respected in families identified as at risk.
Source: www.sos-decijasela.rs
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