Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Public Discussion on the Draft of Chapter 4 Priority Structural Reforms for the Economic Reform Programme (ERP) 2017-2019

Published 13.01.2017.

In the process of economic and fiscal surveillance, the Member States of the European Union (EU) are developing documents which ensure multilateral surveillance and coordination of economic policies. The Republic of Serbia, as a candidate country for the EU membership, is preparing for this process by developing a document called “Economic Reform Programme” – ERP. The Republic of Serbia already possesses the experience in developing the ERP, and it is currently in the third cycle of development of this strategic document for the period 2017-2019.

In order to ensure the widest possible consensus in the selection of priority reform measures, intensive consultations were carried out between the ERP coordinators from line ministries, and with the EC and the OECD with the objective being the preparation of the Preliminary list of priority structural reforms for the ERP 2017-2019.

The Preliminary list of priority structural reforms, which includes 15 structural reforms, has been the subject of a public debate from October 18, until November 1, 2016, as part of the process of consultations with the interested members of the public. This year this process was much wider than the previous year. The recommendations received on this occasion were taken into consideration while drafting Chapter 4, Priority structural reforms for the ERP 2017-2019

In May 2017, the ERP will be discussed with the EU representatives at the meeting of the EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council, as part of the economic dialogue. These consultations will be done namely with the Ministers of Finance and Economy, representatives of the central banks of the member states and the relevant European institutions. During the same meeting, the new recommendations given by the EU Council to the participants of the process (Western Balkans and Turkey) will be adopted.

ERP 2016-2018 and the supporting documents can be downloaded from www.mfin.gov.rs




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