Citizen satisfaction with the work of institutions at the local level is decreasing, the perception of corruption is increasing, while the highest level of citizen satisfaction is regarding the work of the Restitution Agency, although even it has received a grade under 3 on a scale of 1 to 5, as shown by the survey on citizen satisfaction with the work of local and state institutions, implemented as part of the “Local Observers” project by the Beta news agency. The least efficient at both the local and national level was assessed by the citizens to be the Agency for Privatization. Over 40% of the respondents believe the EU did nothing for their town, and under one fifth believe it has.
The survey, implemented as part of the “Local Observers” project of the Beta news agency, showed that the number of citizens who believe there is corruption in various institutions at the local level has increased compared to the previous survey from February of last year.
The Executive Director of Ninamedia Research Jelena Jojkić told Beta that a “linear, systematic” decrease in the grades is visible throughout, compared to last year, stating that on a 1 to 5 scale citizens gave out average grades mostly below 3, interpreted as a below-average grade.
She says there is no clear explanation for such as trend, but it could be explained by the fact that last year’s survey was completed immediately before the issuing of extraordinary parliamentary elections, when expectations are higher.
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