Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Roma Inclusion Strategy Adopted

Published 05.03.2016.

Vlada Republike Srbije - logoThe Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Serbia announced the adoption of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 by the Government, at its session held on 3 March 2016.

The newly adopted strategy is a strategic document aimed at intensifying the work of institutions at the national and local level, during a nine-year period, regarding issues of social inclusion of Roma and combating Roma discrimination, as well as creating conditions for full access to human rights for persons of Roma nationality. The document covers five priority areas, namely education, housing, employment, healthcare and social protection.

Serbia, along its path of accession, joined EU member states regarding the social inclusion of Roma. Namely, the basis for drafting this document in our country was the Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies prescribed by the European Commission and the European Parliament for their member states, ensuring continued cooperation and continued EU support to Serbia for improving the status of Roma.

The Operational Conclusions from the third Seminar on the Social Inclusion of Roma in Serbia 2015-2017, prepared by our country in cooperation with the European Commission, became an integral part of this document.

Likewise, the notice states that the Draft Strategy is harmonized with the Action Plan for negotiation Chapter 23, regarding judiciary and fundamental rights, under the accession negotiation process for Serbia with the EU.

Source: www.srbija.gov.rs




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