Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


RSD 500 Million Earmarked for Employment of Persons with Disabilities

Published 02.10.2015.

The Minister for Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vulin, speaking on 26 September in Prokuplje, said that the Ministry has earmarked RSD 500 million for the employment of persons with disabilities this year, and that during the first eight months an increase was noted in the employment of persons with disabilities of 39 percent. Visiting the day-care centre for persons with development disabilities “Sunce” in the village of Vodice near Prokuplje, Vulin stated that over 2,000 persons with disabilities were employed through the National Employment Service, with 1,759 completing training through that service.

He noted that this year a step forward was taken regarding active employment measures envisaging the employment of over 7,000 persons with disabilities.

There are 1,683 approved, among the more than 2,500 applications, stated Vulin and called on employers to apply. The minister said that if the employers have prejudices, and this is why they do not apply, then all of society should confront this, because in the 21st century no one may be discriminated against because of their disability.

The measures envisage earmarking 20 percent more funds to employ persons with disabilities compared to the employment of persons without disabilities, therefore the reimbursement for self-employment is RSD 200,000, and with new employment RSD 180,000 to 280,000, added Vulin.

Source: www.srbija.gov.rs




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