Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Save the Children: Serbia 46th on End of Childhood Index

Published 07.06.2019.

Save the Children - Global Childhood Report 2019At least 280 million children worldwide has a better chance today of growing up in good health, a safe environment, and to have education, than during any moment of the past two decades, as shown by the new report of the Save the Children organization.

The Global Childhood Report is published on the occasion of celebrating International Children’s Day, 1 June.

Based on the End of Childhood Index, showing how vulnerable childhood is in a given community due to factors such as poor health, malnourishment, exclusion from education, child labour, underage marriage, underage pregnancies and extreme violence, this report compares the status of children in countries worldwide compared to 2000 and also ranks 176 countries of the world based on the situation as it is today.

This number has been decreased to 690 million – meaning that 280 million children worldwide have a better life today, an in 173 of 176 countries of the world the situation children live in is better than it was two decades ago.

The Save the Children organization, this year celebrating one hundred years of work on protecting children and exercising their rights, notes that the data on progress during the past two decades indicates that community investment into child protection and protection in general, both global and by individual countries, is producing results.

Since one in four children worldwide are still deprived of a safe and happy childhood, and the most vulnerable children are those living in conflict areas or forced to leave their homes due to conflict, these investments need to continue.

Among the eight factors that, according to the report, lead to an end to a safe childhood, conflicts and extreme violence are the only factors endangering more children today than twenty years ago.

Serbia is ranked 46 on this year’s list of countries produced based on the End of Childhood Index.

Of the other countries in the region Slovenia shares third place with Norway, Croatia is at 29, Bosnia and Herzegovina is at 38, Montenegro at 50, Albania at 61, and Northern Macedonia at 69.

The top spot on the list of countries based on the index is held by Singapore, as the country that takes best care of its children, and the remaining nine top-10 countries are eight Western European countries and South Korea. The worst ranked is the Central African Republic, preceded by Nigeria and Chad at the bottom of the list.

Source: www.dijalog.net




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