Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Smart Start – Support to Civil Society Impact through Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Deadline: 13/06/2016)

Published 08.06.2016.

smartstart_logoSmart Start is a regional project, financed by the European Union – Programme for Civil Society and Media 2014-2015 (Support to Regional Thematic Networks of Civil Society Organizations).

The project is being implemented in Western Balkans countries and Turkey, beneficiaries of the IPA programme, led by the Civil Society Promotion Centre (CPCD) with the partners: Centre for Research and Policy Making (Macedonia), Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (Montenegro), Centre for the Development of the Non-Profit Sector (Serbia) and YADA Foundation (Turkey), with the support of CEDRA HR (Croatia).

The goal of the SmartStart programme is providing assistance in creating the conditions for social entrepreneurship of civil society organizations (CSOs) and improvement of their sustainability, financial abilities and social impact in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.

Regarding the objective related to strengthening long-term financial stability of civil society organizations through start-up financial programmes, the use of socially and environmentally responsible strategies for self-financing, social innovation and models of social entrepreneurship, SmartStart is calling on civil society organizations to apply for support and implement activities for developing social business/economic activities.

The deadline for applications is 13 June 2016.

More information can be found here.

Source: www.crnps.org.rs




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