The Statistical Office of Serbia published statistical data on poverty and social inequality, i.e. the available funds and personal expenditures of households in the Republic of Serbia in 2014.
The risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2014 was 43.2%. The risk of poverty was 25.6%. These persons are not necessarily poor, but only have a higher risk of being so. Persons under 18 years of age are most exposed to the risk of poverty (29.6%), while the lowest rate of risk of poverty is for persons older than 65 years (20.7%). The greatest risk of poverty is for persons in households comprised of two adults with three or more children being supported, 35.2%. Depending on their employment status, with persons over 18 years of age, those most at risk of poverty are the unemployed (47.1%), while the lowest risk of poverty is among those employed with an employer (8.6%). With self-employed persons this rate is 38.4%. The risk of poverty for pensioners is 13.0%.
During 2014, average monthly available funds per household (all households) in Serbia amounted to RSD 57054. Households in urban areas had at their disposal in 2014 a monthly average of RSD 59376, while households from the remaining area had RSD 53274. Expenses for personal expenditures of households (all households) in the Republic of Serbia are RSD 54424, with the largest part of the expenditures for food and non-alcoholic beverages (38.4%) and housing, water, electrical energy, gas and other fuels (16.1%). This is followed by expenses for transport (9.0%), other personal items and other services (5.5%), clothes and footwear (5.2%), communications (4.7%), alcoholic beverages and tobacco (4.7%) and recreation and culture (4.6%).
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