At the initiative of CSR Europe, the European Pact for Youth was signed; this should bring together the business sector, European institutions, and the education sector with the youth representatives. The goal is to use the principles of partnership and collaboration in order to reduce the youth unemployment, which is currently very high in Europe. So far more than 50 companies and organizations confirmed their participation in the pact, which created a unique cooperative model that should enable the realization of set objectives.
Three main objectives are defined by the Pact. The first is improving the partnership between the education and business sector in order to enhance the level of employability and inclusion of young people; this should be achieved by generating at least 100.000 new quality internships, which would serve as a mechanism for introducing young people to the working world. The second is reducing the lack of necessary skills; this should be achieved by generating at least 10.000 quality partnerships between the education and business sector. The third is contributing to the European and National policies in this field by creating action plans and joint proposals.
You can find more information on the Pact on this link.
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