The Government of the Republic of Serbia established the Council for Professional Training of Local Self-government Employees in order to ensure the application of principles of efficiency, equality and integrity of the professional training system in order to provide expert opinions and recommendations for its implementation and improvement in accordance with the Law on Employees in Autonomous Provinces and Local Self-government Units (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 21/16).
Responsibilities of the Council are to:
- give opinions on the proposals provided by public administration bodies related to the introduction of general professional training programmes;
- analyse the initiatives of local self-government units for the introduction of general programmes, as well as proposals for the new special programmes of professional training;
- propose compulsory elements of general and special training programmes in terms of the methodological integrity of programmes, planned effects of programme implementation, the actuality of the programme in relation to valid regulations or planned changes, number and structure of programme users and necessary personnel and technical conditions for the programme implementation;
- propose the criteria and conditions for accreditation of the programme implementation units in terms of human resources, experience and results in programme implementation, the status of material and technical equipment;
- monitor the effects of the application of this Law with regard to professional training and recommend possible improvements;
- cooperate with local self-government units and their associations in order to recognise their needs for professional training;
- provide adequate recommendations and guidelines to local self-government units;
- ensure the keeping of official records of approved and implemented programmes, issued accreditations for bodies who are involved in the implementation of programmes, as well as keeping the records on participants in vocational training programmes;
- adopt the Rules of Procedures of the Council.
The Council has a President and seven members who are all appointed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia for a period of five years.
The Rulebook on the Establishment of Mandatory Elements of the General and Special Professional Training Programme for the Local Self-government Employees can be downloaded here.
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