The brochure called “School for Beginners” was created by Melita Ranđelović, Dušanka Nigrenji, Jelena Dobranić, Aleksandra Radević, members of the Parents and Teachers Club Belgrade, within the Establishment of a National Association of Parents and Teachers “Partnership for Education” project.
Good quality cooperation between schools and families is an important factor for the creation of an equal, effective, and inclusive education system in which all participants achieve their best results.
Continuity and consistency of cooperation are problems encountered by both teachers and parents/guardians who often describe this cooperation as problematic.
This brochure presents various ways of involving parents/guardians and their cooperation with the school. With this brochure parents/guardians can find out how schools are organised and how they operate. A parent/guardian may participate as a member of the Council of Parents, school boards, various school bodies and teams, thus being active in decision-making.
The brochure also contains examples of good practices that show that there are different types of cooperation aimed at the creation of a relationship of trust and understanding. The parts of the brochure marked in green represent the most important parts for parents/guardians, the ones marked in red are recommendations that are important for educational institutions, and the orange colour is for the examples of good practices of the cooperation between parents and schools.
The brochure in Serbian, Romani, Romanian, Hungarian, and Albanian language can be downloaded from this website:
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