Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Training Programme “Activation to Employment” for Persons with Disabilities Starting

Published 15.09.2015.

fmi_logoThe lack of harmonization of the competences of persons with disabilities and the needs of the labour market is the result of the long lasting and overall marginalization of persons with disabilities, both regarding formal and informal education, as well as the community in general. In order to meet the need for obtaining additional knowledge and skills and improving employment competences, the Forum of Youth with Disabilities is implementing the training programme “ACTIVATION TO EMPLOYMENT”.

During the September/October period three educational programmes will be held in three cities: Niš, Belgrade and Novi Sad, to be attended by 45 young persons with disabilities (15 per city). The programme will have an educational-workshop character. Lecturers for certain subjects will be volunteers, representatives of the business sector, specialized for certain areas.

This will enable young people to get to know the needs of various companies and contemporary trends in the labour market. On the other hand, representatives of the business sector will have direct experience in working with youth with disabilities, contributing to the inclusiveness of the educational process.

Schedule of training per city:

  • 21-25.09.2015. Niš
  • 05-09.10.2015. Belgrade
  • 26-30.10.2015. Novi Sad

More information can be found at fmi.rs




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