The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MESTD), in cooperation with the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, is issuing an award competition titled ”Visualisation of MESTD Open Data”. The competition is open for secondary school programming teams from across the Republic of Serbia, led by a school mentor (teacher, professional associate or school principal).
Applications can be submitted by way of a portal accessible HERE.
The goal of the competition is to increase student interest in programming, as well as to stimulate secondary schools to develop their engagement with interested students, while at the same time promoting the open data concept.
The task for school teams is to create a visualization of a dataset (or combination of datasets) from the MESTD information system available from the MESTD open data portal, by 31 May 2016. The visualisation must be a precise visual interpretation of the datasets and their interrelations, and carry a message of interest for the citizens of Serbia or experts in a given field – e.g. to provide a visualisation of the prices of study programmes available at public higher education institutions in the Republic of Serbia or an overview of the annual financing of scientific-research projects by programme.
As part of the Competition Documentation, MESTD is providing descriptions of the available databases and brief materials for the teams on the approach to the issue of visualisation and the available programming tools, intended for students and teachers with programming experience.
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