Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Volunteering Challenge: Open Call for Volunteer Activities (Deadline: 15/10/2017)

Published 20.01.2017.

Volonterski izazovVolunteering Challenge is a competition of volunteer activities implemented by all people of good will who wish to make a positive change in their environment. The mission of the Challenge is to inspire and stimulate people from the territory of the Balkans to create social change through the process of civic engagement and lifelong participation in volunteering programmes.

The Volunteering Challenge was initiated by the Regional Volunteering Centre (RVC) in 2017. RVC is a voluntary network of volunteering organizers from the territory of South Banat, affirming and promoting the active and positive role of volunteering in society, through the development of volunteering programmes and the valuation and rewarding of volunteering work. The work of RVC is administered by the career development and youth entrepreneurship organization “Connecting” from Pančevo.

Volunteering activities may be from the following fields: prevention of addiction, social activities for children and youth, care for the elderly, culture and arts, environmental protection, protection and care for animals, care for the elderly, care for the homeless, care for persons with development impairments, support for refugees, mentorship and counselling.

The regional Volunteering Challenge 2017 will be open until 15 October 2017.

The application form and more information can be found at rvc.rs/volonterskizazov




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