Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Debate “Measurement of Public Sector Performance in Serbia – Why – How – for Whom?” held

Published 26.09.2014.

me_studija_naslovnaCentre for European Policy and the Foundation for Advancement of Economic Science (FREN) organised on 23 September a debate Measurement of Public Sector Performance in Serbia – Why -How -for Whom? The debate gathered some 130 representatives of public and civil sector, academic community, embassies, foreign donors and media.

A study ”Getting the results in public policies. Monitoring and Evaluation with Evidence Supplied by the Civil Society“ was also presented. This is the result of the research project conducted by CEP and FREN to show the opportunities of engaging civil society in public policy monitoring and evaluation processes in Serbia.

The public debate was organised within the framework of the project funded by the EU through the Civil Society Facility Programme. In continuation of the project, CEP and FREN will continue to advocate for greater public commitment to this issue. In addition, workshops and trainings for strengthening public administration and civil society in policy monitoring and evaluation are planned.

Source: www.cep.org.rs




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