Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Development Strategy in the Field of Public Policy and Legislative Process Management Adopted

Published 27.01.2016.

Vlada Republike Srbije - logoAt the proposal of the Republic Secretariat for Public Policies, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Strategy of Regulatory Reform and Improvement of the System of Managing Public Policies for the period 2016-2020, with the relevant action plan. Through this document the Government established the strategic guidelines for the coming 5 years in creating a more efficient and effective public administration, providing maximum benefits for citizens and businesses. The Strategy is also aimed at implementing the Public Administration Reform Strategy, thereby completing the overall reform process in this field.

Overall goal of the Strategy: The system of managing public policies and legislative processes, based on facts and data and the principles of good regulatory practice. Achieving the overall goal will be measured through the World Bank governance index. The Republic of Serbia was rated 2.4 in 2014, with the intent being to be rated 2.9 by the end of 2020, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Agenda as defined by the South-Eastern Europe Strategy 2020.

Four specific objectives: Improving the public policy management system, improving the legislative processes and quality of regulations, simplification of administrative procedures and improving the role of citizens and the economy in the system of managing public policies.

Final or key objectives are integrating the distinct elements of planning, budgeting and decision-making regarding public policies into a unified system, as well as achieving a higher quality of regulations and the reduction of administrative costs for businesses and the public. Improving the transparency of the legislative process and increasing the role of representatives of the private and civil sector in the process of adopting public policy.

More information can be found at www.rsjp.gov.rs




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