The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia will mark Europe Day through a series of events lasting the entire month, the Europe Month.
Several exhibitions are being organised. “Ever Closer Union” features 14 panels about the history of European integration since the signing of Treaties of Rome to the current challenges Europe is facing today. Furthermore, panels illustrating the results of EU assistance to Serbia will be placed on billboards; street artworks dedicated to EU creativity and vitality will be exhibited, and it was all organised with the support of the EU Delegation.
The European Film Festival will be officially opened in Novi Sad on 8 May, moving to Nis on 11 May and four other cities later on. The festival is organised in cooperation with embassies of EU member states.
Around 60 secondary school students and their teachers will go on a study trip to Slovenia, Austria and Hungary within the Europa Diary competition project organised by the EU Delegation.
A number of embassies of EU member states, with the support of the EU Info Centre, will host open door days.
On 19 May, Erasmus+ projects created by students from France, Germany and Serbia will be presented in Novi Sad.
On 24 May the National Assembly of Serbia will host the final debate within the European Debate School, a project implemented by the EU Info Centre in Belgrade.
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