The European Commission will work on the “new identity” of the European Union during the first half of the year in order to prepare its vision for the European Council Summit in December. At the end of March, the Commission will publish the White Book which will represent the beginning of exhaustive contemplation about the future of the EU, while the European Council Summit scheduled for December should be the culmination of this process. In the meantime, the Commission will publish their reflection papers on the following subjects the social dimension of Europe, defence, financial globalisation and economic and monitory union.
The Commission does not intend to give a “solid” vision in their White Book in March. The institution does not want to alienate member states opposing further integration. Instead, the Commission intends to outline the different scenarios ahead for the future of the European project. The leaders’ Rome Declaration and the five reflection papers would help to forge the “new vision” for the next decade in December.
Juncker’s priority is to “find a new identity” for the EU with 27 members, EU sources explained, and add that his priority is also to keep all 27 member states together.
Source:, taken from
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