Ksenija Milenković, Acting Director of the European Integration Office of the Republic of Serbia and Michael Davenport, Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, co-chaired the meeting of the Joint EU-Serbia IPA Monitoring Committee.
The European Integration Office said in a statement that the Committee underlined the importance of national sector policies and strategies as a foundation for the implementation of EU projects and programmes, and linked them to budget planning and implementation. Also, the Committee commended the progress made in the preparation of strategically relevant projects, especially through the establishment of the Single Project Pipeline for large investment projects.
Two main challenges were discussed at the meeting – ensuring a sufficient capacity of the institutions in charge of the programme and project management in Serbia, and overcoming “bottlenecks” related to municipal infrastructure projects in the environment sector. The meeting participants also discussed the timely and efficient EU assistance with its efforts related to the flood recovery and the transit of migrants and refugees.
The European Union is the biggest donor to Serbia, and over the past 15 years, it has donated more than EUR 3 billion to assist the development of the healthcare system, energetics, science and research, judiciary reform, culture, and transport.
Source: www.srbija.gov.rs
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