Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


National Employment Action Plan for 2017 Adopted

Published 08.12.2016.

The National Employment Action Plan represents the basic instrument for implementing the active employment policy at the annual level. The National Employment Action Plan for 2017 represents a unified overview of the goals and priorities of the employment policy to be achieved through programmes and measures of an active employment policy during 2017, in order to contribute to the full implementation of the strategic goal of the employment policy by 2020, set by the National Employment Strategy for the period 2011-2020, and to provide harmonization with sectoral policies and current reform processes of importance and of impact on the field of employment policy. Social partners, relevant ministries, institutions, and other stakeholders took part in the drafting of the National Employment Action Plan for 2017. The following goals for the employment policy were established based on the challenges identified in the labour market:

1) Preventing a large increase in unemployment;

2) Reducing the overall inactivity rate and increasing the employment rate;

3) Reducing duality in the labour market;

4) Improving the status of youth in the labour market.

Active employment policy programmes and measures to be implemented in 2017 with the aim of stimulating employment are:

  1. Mediation in employment for persons seeking employment;
  2. Professional orientation and counselling for career planning;
  3. Subsidies for the employment of unemployed persons in the category of persons difficult to employ;
  4. Support for self-employment;
  5. Additional education and training;
  6. Incentives for the employment of beneficiaries of financial reimbursements;
  7. Public works;
  8. Active employment policy measures for persons with disabilities;
  9. Co-financing of active employment policy programmes or measures envisaged by local employment action plans through funds from the national budget;
  10. Service packages for unemployed persons with priority for inclusion in active employment policy measures;
  11. Participation in the implementation of projects related to increasing employment and employability.

The active employment policy is financed from the funds of the budget of the Republic of Serbia, the budget of the autonomous province and the budget of local self-government units, donation funds, loans, as well as funds from the contributions for unemployment, and other sources. The National Employment Service will have an employment programme available with RSD 2.8 billion in 2017. The allocations for employment programmes for persons with disabilities are expected to amount to RSD 550 million. Local self-governments in Serbia are envisaged to allocate around RSD 700 million during the next year for employment programmes. The plan for the amount of financial funds to be issued for the self-employment of workers declared redundant, with around 53,000 such persons in Serbia, will be RSD 200,000 in 2017. For other categories of unemployed persons the envisaged amount for starting their own business is RSD 180,000.

Active employment policy measures and other planned activities within the National Employment Action Plan shall be implemented by the ministry competent for employment affairs, the National Employment Service and other bodies, institutions, and social partners.

Click here to download the National Employment Action Plan for 2017.




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