The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted a Decision on Establishment of the Office for Assistance and Rehabilitation of Flooded Areas at its session of 22 May 2014. The Office coordinates reception and distribution of overall humanitarian and other aid sent to the Government of Serbia for the population in the areas affected by the floods of mid-May.
The Office is in charge of defining criteria and methods of distribuion of assistance, coordination of assessments and plans for the recovery of the damages as well as of cooperation of all the state authorities, public companies and institutions in the domain of assistance and rehabilitation in the flood-affected areas.
The Government of the Republic of Serbia decided to earmark RSD 100 million from the Republic budget for the rehabilitation of damages caused by the flood and to cede free of charge goods amounting to approximately RSD 5 million to the Red Cross for distribution to the population in the flood-affected areas.
The Government adopted a Decision on the conditions and mode of attracting FDI thus creating more favourable conditions for investments into Serbia. The implementation of measures set out in this Decision is expected to accelerate economic growth, increase the employment rate and pace of infrastructure construction in Serbia.
Following the ongoing damage assessments conducted by experts at all levels, the Government plans to submit a request for use of proceeds from the EU Solidarity Fund for removal of damages caused by the flood in the second half of July. This request could be approved in the fall.
The Government allowed below modalities for raising assistance and donations:
– at an account for payments through PayPal from 193 countries and the region was opened;
– the number 1003 for text messages was activated in all the three mobile operator networks – Telenor, Telekom and VIP.
The price of a text message is RSD 100, and the funds are directed to the account of the Government opened, especially for fund-raising;
– a RSD account no. 840-3546721-89 was opened for payment of proceeds for removal of consequence of floods as well as the foreign account no. 01-504619-100193230-000000-0000.
– a call centre no. 011 274 14 44 was opened and is available 24/7 to inform everyone who wishes to help on the donation modalities.
Contact: Government of the Republic of Serbia,
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