The report “Happiness and Families with Children in Serbia” was presented in the Belgrade Media Centre on 9 September 2014, marking the beginning of UNICEF campaign aimed at starting discussions on welfare and happiness of families with children in Serbia. The report developed jointly by the Centre for Public Policy Research and UNICEF Serbia should contribute to the dialogue and discussions on the ways of supporting the parents build quality relations within and outside their families.
According to the survey results, the secret of happiness lies in the quality of our relationship with other people. The notable characteristics of happy families are the good relationships between the parents and between the parents and their children. On the other hand, the unhappy families are characterised by violent behaviour and conflicts between their members. The second most important characteristic of unhappy families are strong links with the extended family members and friends. Contrary to the generally accepted opinion that money matters very much for happiness, the correlation between money and happiness was not identified except in the cases when families with children cope with severe poverty.
The findings of the survey served as basis for shaping public policy recommendations that should contribute to enhanced information of parents and provision of support to bringing up the children, establishment of advisory and family parenthood help centres and allowing for more efficient response of the state with respect to youth violence and family violence.
Click here to download the report “Happiness and Families with Children in Serbia” (.pdf).
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