Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Strategy for the Development of Civil Society in the Beginning of 2015

Published 30.05.2014.

Adoption of the Strategy for the Enabling Environment for Civil Society has been envisaged for the beginning of 2015. This was announced at a meeting on civil society in Serbia “Monitoring and Evaluating Public Policies in Serbia through Support of Civil Society” which took place in late May 2014.

Serbia, together Albania, is the only country in the region which does not have a strategic document that defines institutional and legislative framework in this area and tackles many issues, such as the transparent funding of the non-governmental sector.

At the meeting, the warning was heard that there is a real danger of “withering away” of Civil Society due to withdrawing of investors, which happened in most countries that recently became members of the EU.

Monitoring and evaluation of public policies by the civil society was proposed as one of the rescue solutions for the non-governmental sector.

The event was organized by the Centre for European Policy (CEP) and the Foundation for the Advancement of Economics (FREN), which had initiated the research of the role and capacity of civil sector in controlling and evaluating public policies six months ago.

Contact: Office for Cooperation with Civil Society of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, telephone: + 381 11 311 38 95, www.civilnodrustvo.gov.rs




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