Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


The Ministry of European Integration established

Published 03.07.2017.

On 26 June 2017, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law on Ministries, establishing the Ministry of European Integration. The Ministry started operating on the date when this law entered into force, on 27 June 2017, when the European Integration Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia ceased to exist.

The Ministry of European Integration carries out state administration affairs and related professional tasks regarding:

  • coordination, monitoring and reporting on the process of joining and accession to the European Union;
  • coordination of accession negotiations with the European Union and coordination of operations of bodies established for the purpose of negotiations;
  • directing the work of the Negotiating Team for Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the EU and issuing mandatory instructions, in accordance with the policy of the Government;
  • providing analytical support to the work of the Negotiating Team;
  • coordination of the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and of the work of joint bodies established by that agreement;
  • coordination of preparation of strategic documents in regards to the process of accession to the European Union;
  • coordination of the preparation and implementation of the National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis;
  • coordination of cooperation between the state administration bodies and the European Commission and other expert bodies of the European Union, as well as cooperation in the process of joining and accession with the institutions of the European Union, Member States, candidate countries and potential candidate countries;
  • monitoring and encouraging alignment of the regulations of the Republic of Serbia with the regulations and standards of the European Union and informing the European Union and the public about it;
  • providing assistance to ministries and special organisations in aligning the regulations with EU regulations;
  • establishing and developing a system for the use of structural and cohesion funds of the European Union;
  • preparation of documents defining development goals and priorities for financing from the structural and cohesion funds of the European Union;
  • monitoring the implementation, assessment and reporting on the implementation of programme documents funded by the structural and cohesion funds of the European Union;
  • coordination of the selection process and prioritisation of infrastructure projects for financing from EU funds and other sources;
  • coordination of the programming of IPA funds, as well as identification of funds and determination of priorities for financing from IPA funds and international assistance funds;
  • monitoring and reporting on the implementation of IPA funds and international assistance funds for the purpose of fulfilling strategic development priorities;
  • organising the process of assessment of the implementation of IPA Programmes;
  • coordination of international bilateral and multilateral donor assistance to the Republic of Serbia;
  • managing the operational structure and the national body for Cross-Border Cooperation and Transnational Cooperation Programmes;
  • participation in joint committees for monitoring and directing the work of joint programme monitoring committees, as well as the work of joint technical secretariats for Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes in the territory of the Republic of Serbia;
  • coordination of instruments for the implementation of macro-regional strategies;
  • monitoring the fulfilment of obligations that the ministries and special organisations have undertaken in joining and accession to the European Union;
  • coordination of translation and preparation of the national version of the EU Acquis, and translation of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia into one of the official languages of the European Union;
  • informing the public on and promoting activities in the process of joining and accession to the European Union, and the use of international development assistance, including IPA funds;
  • coordination and organisation of training in the field of the European Union.

The Ministry of European Integration cooperates with the Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union in the process of joining and accession to the European Union, as well as with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other competent state administration bodies in discussing the issues related to defining the needs and staffing of the Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union with experts in all stages of the European integration process, as well as other activities in the field of joining and accession to the European Union.

Source: www.seio.gov.rs




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