Trag Foundation called on civil society organizations to support the initiative for the amendment of legal regulations to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The initiative aims for legal amendments aimed at creating a more favourable environment for the development of civil society organizations and the development of philanthropy in Serbia.
Based on a legal analysis and the comparative experiences from the region of Western Balkans and EU countries completed within the “SIGN for Sustainability” project financed by the EU, Trag Foundation created proposals for improving fiscal policies and the development of a more favourable legislative environment for the work of CSO in Serbia.
Unlike Serbia, where no real estate property tax relief is envisaged for associations, foundations, endowments and similar CSO undertaking activities of public interest, many other Eastern European states envisage such relief (Czech Republic, Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, etc.)
The deadline for providing support to the initiative expired on 20 November 2014.
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