The Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit (SIPRU) of the Government of the Republic of Serbia is publishing a series of analyses dedicated to the status of vulnerable groups in the context of the EU accession process.
Following publications are prepared in the framework of the initiative for drafting the analytical review to the status of the vulnerable groups in the EU accession context that SIPRU commenced with the further goals:
- To increase the visibility of the challenges faced by vulnerable social groups in the Republic of Serbia;
- To inform stakeholders on current processes in the development of the strategic and legislative framework in the field of social inclusion;
- To promote dialogue and cooperation in meeting the obligations under Serbia’s accession to the EU in the field of social inclusion.
The focus of analyses is primarily on the current state of play in terms of the position of various vulnerable groups in Serbia, especially when it comes to the legislative and strategic framework and its alignment with the EU acquis. Additionally, this alignment stems from the obligations of Serbia as the EU candidate country. Main conclusions, as well as the recommendations where the necessity is recognized, are highlighted. When it comes to the sources used in all publications, relevant official data, evidence, and information of the Republic of Serbia institutions and Reports from the competent EU bodies are used. Publications are provided in Serbian and English languages to have greater visibility for wide actors and stakeholders interested in such vital issues.
The series of informative analytical situation overviews on the status of vulnerable groups in the context of meeting the obligations in the process of European integration is intended for a broad circle of stakeholders: decision-makers, state administration, and staff in local self-government units, development partners, civil society organizations and journalists.
The main goal is to publish the following situation overviews by the end of 2021:
- Roma
- Persons with disabilities
- Women
- The Elderly
- The status of of the elderly population in the European integration process (.pdf)
- Položaj starije populacije u procesu evropskih integracija (.pdf)
- Children
- Youth
- The status of youth in the European integration process (.pdf)
- Položaj mladih u procesu evropskih integracija (.pdf)
- National minorities
- Migrants/Refugees/Asylum seekers
- Persons living with HIV.