For two years of work the Platform of Civil Society for Participation in Negotiation Process with the EU, the National Convention on the EU, held 93 meetings and participated in the analysis of the screening report, three negotiated positions and action plans. This task will be continued but communication with the public on the benefits resulting from accession to the EU will have to be strengthened which is especially necessary after accession of Eurosceptic parties to the EU, it was said in the Third Plenary Session of the Convention on April 27. The leader of the European Integration Office Ksenija Milenković said that the revised National Programme for Adoption of the acquis communautaire of the EU was completed with the aim of completing the regulatory harmonization until the end of 2018. She also said that the new Government was expected to adopt this document upon constitution.
The Convention consists of 700 civil society organizations which, organized in working groups in charge of certain chapters in accession negotiations with the EU, monitor the creation of documents and provide recommendations.
At the gathering in the National Assembly in Belgrade, the National Convention on the European Union – Book of Recommendation for 2015-2016 was presented. In addition to this, the representatives of working groups monitoring chapters in accession negotiations with the EU presented key messages.
Written by: S.V., taken from
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