Vlada republike SrbijeGovernment of the Republic of Serbia


Citizens of the Region Unsatisfied with Economic Situation

Published 07.05.2015.

Novčanik - ilustracijaBusiness circles in the Western Balkans are very cautious and do not see the possibility for short-term improvements in the regional economies, where the key problems are still how to stimulate economic growth and employment, and how to reduce budget deficits and debt. They, however, emphasize the only way to initiate growth and development is by establishing a comprehensive regional policy aimed towards the European Union, as stated in the conclusions of the study on the expectations of the business circles and public in Western Balkans countries drafted for the “South-East Europe 2020” strategy of the Regional Cooperation Council in Sarajevo.

Unemployment represents the greatest economic problem for citizens in the region. Research has shown that more than half the citizens in five out of seven regional countries couldn’t even afford one week of vacation travel. The population of Western Balkans in its entirety supports regional cooperation and EU membership. However, half the citizens mostly do not believe that relations within south-east Europe have improved during the past 12 months, while 40% believe they have. For most of the citizens in the region (40%), EU membership is good, 37% believes it is neither good nor bad, and 20% believes it is bad. Only in Serbia do more people believe EU membership to be bad, than good, the study states. In Serbia, 24% of the population – the lowest rate in the region – believe EU membership is good, while 27% believe it to be bad. Most of the population is, however, undecided – 44% believes it is neither good nor bad.

The Balkans Barometer was published on 6 May in Brussels as part of the “Regional Cooperation Day” event, with the participation of ministers and officials from the Western Balkans, representatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament, European analysts who monitor regional development. The research was conducted in December of last year, encompassing 1,400 enterprises and around 7,000 citizens of the region.

Source: Beta, EurActiv.rs




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